About me.

Born in Spain, 2000

​Nuria is a visual artist, focused on fine art.

Melancholic, but extraordinary in a different and idyllic atmosphere.

She started as a child with her compact camera photographing landscapes as paintings, until little by little she began to introduce herself into them.

At her young age of 23, she has been exhibited in big cities like Paris and New York.

To this day, she continues to fulfill dreams by exhibiting around the world and taking her works to every corner.

Her photographs are like pillow talks where the viewer can enter and become part of the story,

connecting with the character and her feelings.

Her desire is to introduce the viewer into the image, and travel with it.

Although she still has a long way to go...

…will you come with me?

Awards & Accolades

Winner in Gold in the category of "Beauty" and Silver in "Advertising"

of the BIFA 2020 (Budapest International Photo Awards)

Honorable mention in the photography awards

"Chromatic Awards 2020"

Winner for Best Photographic Image at the Gala Clack 2021 (Spain)

Honorable mention in Fine Art Photography Awards London 2021

Published in the Italian magazine "FaddyMagazine"

Published at Assuré Magazine #34 

Photo Vogue 2021


ImageNation 2024 Manhattan, New York

ImageNation 2023 París, France

Solo Exhibition Logroño, La Rioja - “Nocturna”

Joaquín Roncal Museum 2021 - Dreams Exhibition

CPA Salduie Exhibition about Venezia 2021